Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cute Notes
"Dear Dad, to day was fun. I learnd how to make a 1 in China. I'll make the 1, 2, and 3 for you. I love the story about Super Bunny. And I hated the cat milk. it was grosse. Today for lunce I want chilley and I want to go on a little drive. Remeber the time I put my foot on the ice and my foot fell in. That was skerry."
I love that she is old enough to leave little cute messages around the house.
Labels: Letters from my daughter
Also, the 4-year old said today, "I don't like salsa because it is too spicy. I hate hot and spicy things, but the Coke is spicy and I like it." She takes after Grandma H., Gpa Fred, and he mother. :)
Labels: coke, hot and spicy things
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Presidential Debate
Although this was kind of condescending and sarcastic, I had to laugh when Obama was talking about sitting down with the leader of Iran (I can't spell his name and don't want to look it up right now) and discussing his intentions with Israel. Mccain said something to the effect of, "So when A****jab says, 'we're going to wipe Israel off the map,' you'll say, 'no you won't.'" To me, it showed just how naive it is to say that you will meet with any leader without preconditions (of course, I think Obama recognizes that was a foolish thing to say at the time, and probably wouldn't meet with no preconditions if he becomes president). That zinger was to me, an important part of the debate. When a presidential candidate discusses a plan, it is sometimes good to imagine how that plan would materialize and if it sounds bizarre, it might not be a good idea.
Labels: debates, Obama vs. Mccain, presidential elections 2008
Pushing Limits...
I remember in 4th grade when we had a substitute teacher. Natalie Marshall was the ringleader and they took the teacher's chair and put it high on a cabinet, hid all of her books/lesson plans, and did a lot of other things I cannot remember. When the substitute teacher came in, she started crying. Most of the kids thought that was great.
Hopefully, if Obama wins he will be a strong leader and gain the respect of the world...and won't be a naive substitute teacher
Labels: 4th grade nightmares, mccain for president, obama for president, presidential debate, substitute teacher
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple Screen Saver

Labels: ebay, LDS screensaver, mormon screensavers, screensavers for sale
Friday, September 19, 2008
Screensaver Software
A guy from my ward who plays basketball with us is part-owner of . I might be able to make some really neat screensavers of various temples and ask if he can sell them on that site and we can split profits. That might be cool. I'm not sure if temple screensavers would be a good seller though. Maybe I will market it as a way to keep your husbands away from looking at online pornography as that is such a prevalent problem in today's world. :)
Anyhow, if you know of a program that is good, and preferably not excessively expensive, let me know.
Labels: lds temple screen saver, LDS temple screensavers, make your own screen saver, make your own screensaver, screensaver creator software, screensaver software, software
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Anniversary...
Labels: anniversaries, schedules
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Scary Dreams
When I was 3, we lived in Kalispell, MT. We lived on a house on a hill and we had a slick, icy, driveway that to me seemed very slick and impossibly tall. I guess I used to cry at the bottom and make my mom carry me to the top because to me it seemed very tall and very steep. Anyway, I used to dream that I was on a sled at the top of the hill and ready to slide down the hill, but there were cars driving by and I knew I was going to get hit by the cars at the bottom. Very scary dream for a 3-year-old.
From the age of 4-6 or so, I used to have a recurring dream that I was on top of a very tall bunk-bed (like 3-4 stories tall). I would be very dark and I could hear chanting. I would look down and see dark, coal-like creatures with glowing orange eyes dancing around a fire or something. They were holding one of those fireman trampoline looking things that they use to save people and the monsters wanted me to jump so they could get me. I used to fall in the dream, but then wake up before I hit the net.
Mom has a funny saying that I used to say about hating the commercials in dreams. I remember that what I meant to say was the re-runs. I used to hate that dream.
When I was in Junior High and High School, I used to have the nightmare that I was on a road and a car would be driving towards me and I could never move. I would be paralyzed and unable to scooch myself off the road. I finally learned to tell myself in my dreams that it was just a dream, that I could make myself do whatever I wanted to in my dreams, and I never had scary dreams like that again. I would always dream that I told myself, "it's just a dream so make yourself get off the road."
Labels: dream interpretation, dreams, nightmares, reruns
Cache Valley Barn

Labels: barn photography, Black and white barn, Logan, Utah
Monday, September 15, 2008
I would love to be this home builder...

Labels: homebuilders, Hurricane Ike Photo, strong foundation
Saturday, September 13, 2008
59-0 -----Enough Said....
They couldn't catch a break all day...I love that the defense forced so many turnovers, and that guy that blocked and intercepted the pass was amazing...I love when the cougars play in a manner to gain national respect. I saw that they already had an article at the washington post online news website...
Labels: 59-0, Blow outs, Pac-10, UCLA vs. BYU
Friday, September 12, 2008
Labels: free online ads, free online auctions, livesimon,
Artist Rising
Mom, I think you should start drawing cartoons that I can put on tee-shirts for the website. I think you could sell your art.
Labels: artist, artist rising,, rising, selling art
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Bountiful Utah LDS Mormon Temple Photograph For Sale

Sunday, September 07, 2008
Senior Pictures

Labels: american fork high school, lehi high school, Lone peak high school, photoshoot, photoshoots, pleasant grove high school, portrait photography, senior picture packages, Senior Pictures, Utah County
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Photos of Mount Timpanogos Temple For Sale
or if that link doesn't work, go to and search for Mount Timpanogos Temple
Labels: lds photographs, LDS Temples, mormon temples, Mount Timpanogos Temple, mt. timpanogos temple
Incredible Sulk Comic...
Labels:, Kris Wilson Comics
Big words from little mouths...
Labels: big words for small kids, dogs marking territory, pee-a-holic
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Last Saturday...
I enjoyed the afternoon though. I went fishing up the North Fork from Tibble Fork and caught a fish about every 5 casts. No kidding!!! I love the fall when the fish are in a feeding frenzy before winter comes.
Then I watched the BYU football game and worked on a report. :)
Oh yeah, and the best part is K****'s friend also slashed the tire on her car in about the same place on the same night. Then she was telling her other friend that it is safe to drive cars up there as long as you drive slow. Sometimes I wonder if she has a brain... :)
Labels: fall fly fishing, four-wheeling in a Pontiac Montana
not to be outdone by nativeminnow

Labels: honk if you're horny, nascar sticker, white trash
Reading Speed
Labels: reading speed, reading test, speed reading test, words per minute
Monday, September 01, 2008
Remember the bad breaker-upper from Seinfeld?
Remember the episode on Seinfeld when the guy broke up with Elaine and told her she had a big head. Then the rest of the episode people were commenting on the size of her head (e.g., taxi driver asked her to move her head so he could see out the rearview mirror, a pigeon flew into her head at the park, etc.)... :)
Labels: elaine, ginormous head, seinfeld