Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scary Dreams

Reading epitome of sweetness's blog about her daughter's nightmares reminded me of a few nightmares from when I was little.

When I was 3, we lived in Kalispell, MT. We lived on a house on a hill and we had a slick, icy, driveway that to me seemed very slick and impossibly tall. I guess I used to cry at the bottom and make my mom carry me to the top because to me it seemed very tall and very steep. Anyway, I used to dream that I was on a sled at the top of the hill and ready to slide down the hill, but there were cars driving by and I knew I was going to get hit by the cars at the bottom. Very scary dream for a 3-year-old.

From the age of 4-6 or so, I used to have a recurring dream that I was on top of a very tall bunk-bed (like 3-4 stories tall). I would be very dark and I could hear chanting. I would look down and see dark, coal-like creatures with glowing orange eyes dancing around a fire or something. They were holding one of those fireman trampoline looking things that they use to save people and the monsters wanted me to jump so they could get me. I used to fall in the dream, but then wake up before I hit the net.

Mom has a funny saying that I used to say about hating the commercials in dreams. I remember that what I meant to say was the re-runs. I used to hate that dream.

When I was in Junior High and High School, I used to have the nightmare that I was on a road and a car would be driving towards me and I could never move. I would be paralyzed and unable to scooch myself off the road. I finally learned to tell myself in my dreams that it was just a dream, that I could make myself do whatever I wanted to in my dreams, and I never had scary dreams like that again. I would always dream that I told myself, "it's just a dream so make yourself get off the road."

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Blogger deputymomof6 said...

Tick, tick, chhhhhh

9/18/2008 9:05 AM  
Blogger Nene said...

One year I started dreaming about bridges. Bridges that I had to drive on, only some weren't finished, or I had to drive on the cables holding up the bridge - there was always something freaky about the bridge. I dreamed about them all the time. One day I was talking to Amberlilies and she said dreaming of bridges was a stress dream. Once I realized they were stressed dreams, I quit having them so often. Then I went to the California to visit Delirious and everywhere we went was a bridge! I told my brothers and sisters "These are the bridges in all my dreams!" I was really nervous driving on all of them and felt some of the fear in my dreams come back. But I did it and survived. At least I quit dreaming about them.

9/18/2008 10:39 AM  
Blogger Inklings said...

Guess what? We never lived in Kalispell. That was Libby, Montana.

9/19/2008 8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I meant...I have been having a hard time remembering the name of that place...

9/19/2008 2:36 PM  
Blogger corinne said...

ryan, is this why you wanted to "specialize" in treating night terrors! ha!

9/20/2008 10:42 AM  

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