Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I was busy with a psychological evaluation at the Davis County Jail today. Afterwards, I went to check out my boss’s new home in South Ogden. I headed home around 4:45…Just as I got onto the new Legacy Highway, I spotted this buck…He was silhouetted on a hill against a background. The perfect shot…Glad I took my camera today...I almost left it home :)

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Unexpected visitors...

We had some unexpected visitors today...It was good to see them...



Getting Abby to eat healthy is kind of a pain in the behind...

Tonight, she was complaining about having to eat chicken and corn. She kept leaving the table and I yelled for her to come back and eat. She started crying because I had "yelled" at her. I asked her why she was still crying about 2 minutes later and she replied, "I'm SENSITIVE, Dad!" Chase was in the kitchen and said something like, "Great! Then we won't be able to stand you when you start having periods."


Friday, December 26, 2008

self portrait

The glow from shopping after-Christmas sales...

See how happy shopping makes her??? :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Even the dogs were happy...

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Christmas Joy

The kids seemed to be in good spirits today...everyone was happy with what they received.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple 11x14 Personalized Photo

Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple
Personalized with your names/Date of wedding or sealing.
Great for anniversary gifts, wedding receptions, etc.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Charm of Fishing...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visit to santa...

If you want to see more go to my Facebook account...

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Monday, December 15, 2008

And the star spangled banner still waves...

I watched a documentary on the War of 1812 on the History channel the other night. I was greatly touched by the bravery of the men who fought for the freedom that was so perilously close to being snuffed out by the British. There were so many miracles that helped the US win the war, one being that a hurricane and tornado killed many of the British soldiers who had sacked and burned Washington DC, another being that the British cannonball that landed in Fort McHenry's gunpowder storage room never ignited (250,000 lbs. of gunpowder would have absolutely destroyed the fort), and that in the battle of New Orleans the rag-tag army guided by Andrew Jackson suffered less than 20 deaths, whereas the British lost a couple thousand men... For some reason I never realized how important the War of 1812 was...I'm glad that so many were so committed to our freedom and protecting our way of life.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Celebrity Look-a-Likes/Act-a-Likes

These are all the celebrities that people think I look like, or act like...
My sister, Epitome of Sweetness thinks that I act like Matthew Perry (Chandler on Friends)...

Unfortunately, I don't look like this guy, but a person in my graduate Social Psychology class told me that he was watching TV and saw George Clooney talking. He kept thinking that George reminded him of someone he knew. He told me that he realized it was me and that George and I share a lot of the same nonverbal mannerisms.

A woman approached me at a continuing education class in Fresno, CA and asked me if I was related to John Wayne. I told her I was not. She assured me that I should check into my geneology because she was sure that he must be my grandfather or something because we looked so much alike. :)

I was working at a drug treatment center and we were noting how several clients looked like various movie stars. One of the staff explained to everyone that he thought I looked like Brendan Fraser. I wasn't flattered by the comparison, but maybe I should have been.
Who are your celebrity lookalikes/actalikes?

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So, I did testing at Cirque Lodge today with a woman. I finished right at lunch time. They had extra so I got a plate. My choices were chicken and duck. I decided to try duck...from what the residents were saying, this was some of the best duck they had ever had because it wasn't very fatty. Well, if that is good duck, then I don't ever want to have bad duck...I will go with chicken next time.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Green Trout Drawing

Experimenting with drawing and adding textures/gradients/blend modes in Photoshop. This particular texture is a zucchini. Who would have thought that zucchini was good for something besides chocolate chip zucchini cake? Am I spelling zucchini right? I BELIEVE I am...

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Mule Deer from My Hike

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Salt Lake Temple Christmas Desktop Background

Click on the image above.
Right Click on the larger image that pops up
Select "Set as Desktop Background"
This is available due to my sister's request... :)

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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pics of T and T

couldn't find any cute ones of this guy...
