Sunday, February 24, 2013

Clark Allen Huntington

He was referred to in a book called "The Girl Rough Riders."  It is available as an Ebook from download.  He was the guide for the Girl Rough Riders in the book...not sure how much is true and how much is fiction though...

Dimick and William Huntington, Nauvoo

Just found interesting information on these two:

Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 1

Brother Edward Hunter and his companions (J. Bills and P. Lewis) reached Nauvoo June 27, 1844, the very day and about the same hour that Joseph and Hyrum Smith were murdered in Carthage jail. "Next day," says his narrative, "their bodies were brought from Carthage to Nauvoo. We formed two lines to receive them; I was placed at the extreme right, to wheel in after the bodies, and march to the Mansion. As we passed the Temple, there were crowds of mourners there, lamenting the great loss of our Prophet and Patriarch. The scene was enough to almost melt the soul of man. Mr. Brewer, myself and others took Brother Joseph's body into the Mansion House. When we went to the wagon to get the corpse, Colonel Brewer, a U. S. officer, taking up the Prophet's coat and hat, which were covered with blood and dirt, said, 'Mr. Hunter, look here; vengeance and death await the perpetrators of this deed.' At midnight Brothers Dimick B. Huntington, G. Goldsmith, William Huntington and myself carried the body of Joseph from the Mansion House to the Nauvoo House, and put him and Hyrum in one grave. Their death was hard to bear. Our hope was almost gone, not knowing then that Joseph had prepared for the Kingdom to go on, by delivering the keys to the Twelve and rolling off the burden from his shoulders on to theirs. Great sorrow prevailed in the hearts of the people.

Clark Allen & Martha Thompson (5G Grandparents)

 Allendale in Jefferson County NY was named after him.  He was in the war of 1812. He was a direct descendent of Col. Ethan Allen of Revolutionary War fame. 

Brigadier General Clark Allen (Fourth Brigade of Infantry, Jefferson County, NY)

Birth Date: 27 Feb 1769
Death Date: 1851
His headstone:
Her headstone:
Adams Rural Cemetery
Jefferson County
New York, USA
Clark Allen's Pedigree:

Name Meaning for "Allen"

English and Scottish: from a Celtic personal name of great antiquity and obscurity. In England the personal name is now usually spelled Alan, the surname Allen; in Scotland the surname is more often Allan. Various suggestions have been put forward regarding its origin; the most plausible is that it originally meant ‘little rock’. Compare Gaelic ailín, diminutive of ail ‘rock’. The present-day frequency of the surname Allen in England and Ireland is partly accounted for by the popularity of the personal name among Breton followers of William the Conqueror, by whom it was imported first to Britain and then to Ireland. St. Alan(us) was a 5th-century bishop of Quimper, who was a cult figure in medieval Brittany. Another St. Al(l)an was a Cornish or Breton saint of the 6th century, to whom a church in Cornwall is dedicated.
Their daughter married Dimick Huntington :

Here is the biography I have for Dimick. Though I don't see evidence of a third wife, I do see a reference to a squaw. See below:

DIMICK BAKER HUNTINGTON, born May 26, 1808, in Watertown, N. Y.; married in 1830, in Watertown, N. Y., Fanny Maria, daughter of Gen. Clark Allen, (descendant of Ethan Allen) and Martha (Thompson) Allen. She was born October 26, 1810, in Loraine, N. Y., and died December 14, 1894, in Pleasant Green, Utah. She accompanied her husband in the famous Mormon Battalion march through the deserts, enduring all the hardships of a soldier's life. She was for four months without tasting bread, before her daughter Betsy Presendia was born, living on roots. When the girl was born at Pueblo, on Mexican Territory, she had no mid-wife or doctor, so an Indian squaw attended her. He married a second wife, about 1853, in Salt Lake City, Ellen Sophia Jacobson. She was born in Norway, about 1826, and died in Parowan, Utah, about 1900.

He was Indian interpreter for the U. S. Government up to the time of his death, which occurred February 1, 1879, in Salt Lake City. He was a private in Co. D of the Mormon Battalion, and as such took part in the Mexican War in 1846. He enlisted July 16, 1846, and was discharged July 16, 1847. He was a member of the Salt Lake City Council in the early days. He was High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was instrumental in helping to settle and colonize the whole region south of Salt Lake City, down to St. George on the South border of the Territory. He acted as interpreter for the Indians, as a soldier of the Mormon Battalion, and he helped to secure
California, Nevada, and Utah, for the U. S. He published three books for the benefit of the Snakes and Utes, (Indians.)

See page 209, Vol. IV., History of Utah, by Orson F. Whitney; also History of the Mormon Battalion, by Daniel Tyler.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Samuel Bemus or Beemus & Sarah Fanny (5G Grandparents)
They had 11 Children
He may have been one of the first white settlers of Cleveland, OH in 1798
There is some very interesting information about him in the free E-Book Historical Collections of Ohio by Henry Howe

Samuel Bemus1765  Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
Gender  Male 
Died  1850  Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
Sarah Fanny,   b. 1770, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1840, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
 1. Martin E Bemus,   b. 22 Dec 1812, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 06 Oct 1896, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
 2. Amelia Bemus,   b. 12 Mar 1801, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Sep 1876, Keepville, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location

Information from Find A Grave:
Birth: 1765
Ashtabula County
Ohio, USA
Death: 1850
Ashtabula County
Ohio, USA

Samuel Beemus was born in 1765 in New York. He married Sarah Fanny in 1790. In 1790, Samuel Bemus arrived with his family from the Genessee. He had visited the country the year previous, and made a location on the creek bottoms, about three miles from its mouth, it being a part of the farm on which he still resides, and built his cabin on the east side of the creek, nearly opposite to his present residence.

He was the individual who first introduced the culture of tobacco into Northern Ohio, an important event to the consumers of that article, as it was a rare and subtle weed and difficult to be obtained. As more and more settlers arrived to make homes here, a village grew which they named Salem, the name years later being changed to Conneaut.

The year 1798 saw the coming of the first permanent settlers, with the arrival of Nathan and John King Robert Montgomery and family who occupied Stow's Castle, Samuel Bemus and family, and Aaron Wright. These were the pioneers who left their New England farms to make the long journey west and settle in "New Connecticut." The group had planned to proceed to Harpersfield, but the lake country so appealed to them that they altered their plans and selected locations along Conneaut River.

The first death, with the exception of the little child of Mr. Kingsbury, was the daughter of Samuel Bemus, in 1799. The coffin was made by Aaron Wright, who says he made it from a white-oak tree, from which he cut and split the boards, obtaining the nails in making the coffin from a boat that had been wrecked and drifted near the mouth of the creek, and was painted by using the ashes from burnt straw.

The first birth was a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bemus, born in 1801, and named Amelia. She became the wife of Daniel Hewett

Samuel died in 1850 in Conneaut Ashtabula OH.
City Cemetery
Ashtabula County
Ohio, USA

Benjamin Huey or Hewey or Hughey and Dorcas Neel (5G Grandparents)

They had a daughter
Born in Greenriver on 1809 to Benjamin Huey. Dorcas Tabitha married Nathaniel Stewart and had 7 children. She passed away on 1869 in Caldwell, Missouri, USA.
Seems very little is known about her some records she is referred to as Mrs. Benjamin Huey.
LDS Family search say that her name is Dorcas Neel and that her parents were John Neel and Sarah Gailey.
If anyone h as information on this family, please message me the links to the information.  :)