Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Shooting Deaths...
So, Miranda came in at 7:30 bawling her eyes out because she had a dream that Melissa was killed by a bad man. I told her that her mom was right over there and not dead. She told me about the pink coffin and the picture of Melissa on top of it and how Melissa looked so pretty in her grave. Kind of a creepy dream.
Well, 2 nights ago, I had a dream 2X of a school shooting. I was stuck in an office in the school trying to find somewhere to hide but I knew if I hid I would be found and shot. I must have woken up or something, because then I had the dream a second time and this time knew I had to escape. I broke a window and me and another person crawled out and ran away from the school....worried that we might get shot in the back.
So then Melissa says she dreamed last night that she was with coworkers at a icecream shop (or something like that) and a guy with a Tommy gun approached her. She tried to hide behind a small protrusion from the wall. Her friend told her to turn the other way or the tommy guy would shoot her in the back and paralyze her. The guy with the Tommy Gun then shot her friend 2X in the shoulder just as her other two co-workers returned fire and killed him.
So, I guess we must all have guns on the mind. Hopefully none of us are prophetic...
Labels: dreams of shootings, gun dreams
Monday, March 29, 2010
Geneology Posts
A few interesting links I found tonight...
For my siblings who might be interested our Huntington Ancestry working backwards from Great Grandpa Huntington is
Alexander Wiley
Clark Allen (Carried handcart pioneers across river in dead of winter)
Dimick (Dimmock) Baker (Indian translator for Brigham Young, Constable in Nauvoo, Bodyguard for Joseph Smith, One of 16 men chosen to bury Joseph and Hyrum)
William Huntington (carved stones for the Nauvoo Temple, carved one of the star stones, his stones were chosen for the southwest corner from basement to top floor (likely due to the high quality of his stonecutting), Laid cornerstones of the Nauvoo Temple, Sometimes had Joseph Smith's father and brothers stay at his home, Married Bishop Partridge's widow (first bishop of the church))
There was an interesting story of William, his son William, and Prescindia (his daughter) visiting Joseph Smith and Hyrum in LIberty jail. Prescindia wrote that the guards served them human flesh and that William ate some of it before Joseph could warn him to not eat it.
Anyhow, there is some interesting information out there...I think I will look up some more over the next few weeks
Friday, March 26, 2010
KSL Photo Contest

My photo has been selected for the monthly KSL calendar contest...
Go to the following link to vote...
I think you can vote multiple times if so inclined... :)
Labels: help me win,, photo contest, weather photos
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
West of Ogden
Did testing in North Ogden today...drove home through the west fields all the way to Antelope Island causeway...It was a beautiful day for a drive
Labels: near clinton, south of plains city utah, west of ogden
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Salt lake Temple

Photostitched 6 images together to get this shot....
Labels: lds temples of utah, salt lake temple lds mormon, salt lake temple square
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lone Peak Wilderness area from AF Boat Harbor
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Time Change
I love daylight savings time...In fact, I wish we could permanently be on Pacific Standard time. We could just combine the entire western United States into the Pacific time zone and I would be very pleased...
Maybe I will get a petition together for congress... :)
Labels: daylight savings time, pacific standard time, petitions for congress
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Note to self...
Note to self...
"Do not schedule 2 IQ tests and 2 academic achievement tests on the same day. Thanks for your kind understanding."
"Do not schedule 2 IQ tests and 2 academic achievement tests on the same day. Thanks for your kind understanding."
Monday, March 08, 2010
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Temple Shots and a Sign from Lehi

Logan LDS Temple
Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple
Utah Valley Turf
Labels: lehi utah, temples, utah valley turf
Friday, March 05, 2010
Draper Temple on a Snowy Evening

Glad I decided to avoid I-15 this was snowing, the sun had been down for about 25 minutes, and the photo turned out perfectly... :)
Labels: draper temple, nighttime photos of LDS temples, temples of the LDS church, winter temple photos
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Sister and nieces...

I was going to upload more, but they are taking, if you want to see more pics, go to my facebook profile...
I had to cut one niece's head from a different photo because both of them were not looking at me in the same photo. I took 10 photos and couldn't get them both looking at the same time... :)