Monday, July 30, 2007

Link to my best Hatch Red Cliffs Photo this year...

Tracy Aviary...

I visited Tracy Aviary the other day after work...It is a pretty cool little place...This is a photo of a Golden Eagle

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chipmunk Chilling on Sagebrush

Mom's headaches are contagious...

Thanks Mom...I have a headache behind my right eye... :(

Black and White Thinking...

Do you think there are any hyper-conservative people out there that feel it is a sin to engage in premarital or homsexual sexual activity due to biblical interpretation, but think it is okay to have sex with transgendered people and hermaphrodites because they aren't specifically mentioned in the Bible?

S*O*L (Inside Joke)

Mom: "He had better be nicer to his wife or he will be S.O.L..."

Son: "Don't you mean S.O.L.O.?"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Native Minnow's Son

Not sure what happened between the last time I saw your son and this time, but he is hilarious...Starting to take after his dad I suppose...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I took a few more cool Swainson's Hawk photos

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dark Forest At Dusk...

My skills are slipping as a flyfisherman...

I also learned that I have lost my skills as a flyfisherman over the past year or so. I used to be able to outfish almost anyone I fished with. This year, I got skunked on the Green River 2 days in a row, while my brother caught several fish. This past week, I went fishing with my brother-in-law twice, and he outfished me both times. There is usually no shame in that, but he has only flyfished approximately 5-6 times in his life. :)

Shiz Code...

My brother-in-law and his wife and baby were in town this past week. He overheard one of our teenage kids say "Shiz" in the next room. He hollered, "You might as well just say the real word...God can crack the 'shiz code.'"

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bufflehead, House Wren, Clark's Grebe

This Link will take you to the Utah Bird Photography Website

Friday, July 06, 2007

prison sunrise

This was the view just west of the Utah State Prison in Draper last night...I had to pull off I-15 to take a picture... :)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

My Recent Bird Photos--Need better telephoto lens...

Male Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Female Yellow-Headed Blackbird

White-Faced Ibis

California Gull

Caspian Tern Composite

Brewer's Blackbird

Barn Swallow

Black Crested Night Heron

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