Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My Best-Selling Listings on Ebay

Some of my best selling photos from Ebay

Idaho Wheat Field and Approaching Storm

Vintage Tow Truck, American Fork, UT

Autumn Leaf, Provo, UT

St. Mark's Lighthouse, Near Tallahassee, FL

Indian Paintbrush growing from rock, Zion National Park, UT

Daisy in Rainstorm, Springville, UT

Prickly Pear Cactus Blossoms, Near LaVerkin, UT

Bleeding Heart and Raindrops, Springville, UT

Bird of Paradise Flower, Bakersfield, CA

More Photos from Christmas Visit to Utah

Here are some pictures from my trip to Utah...Beginning with a stunning sunrise in the Mojave Desert...Sunrise...Mojave Desert

Sunrise over Mojave Mountains

Beaver County Courthouse, Beaver, UT (Happy 150th Birthday)

Springville Barn, Springville, UT

Swatches of Color (Mountain/Sky/Field)

Scipio Garage...Desaturated except for Greens and Rust Colors

Scipio Barn, Scipio, UT

Springville Barn, Springville, UT

Sunrise over Mojave Desert, Joshua Tree, Highway 58 CA

Sunrise over Mojave Desert Highway 58, California

Most of these can be purchased at my Ebay Store

Photo For You

Click Here to Enter Store!!!

Some of My Recent Photos and Prints

Here is a sample of some of the photos that I have taken over the past year. Most of these are photos/prints that have sold on Ebay. Check out my Ebay Store ...Photo For You...

A Bleeding Heart Blossom

A Purple Flower in California

Indian Paintbrush in Zion National Park

Kern County Wildlife Refuge, CA

Red Leaf on Granite

Fire and Ice Rose in Utah Rainstorm

Utah Lightning in July Thunderstorm (striking Snow-capped Mountain)

Same thunderstorm...Lightning striking near Spanish Fork, UT

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, UT

A Beer Shack near Pony Express Trail in Utah

Old barn in Meadow, UT

Old Barn in Springville, UT

I visited Utah for Christmas and was able to get some nice photos of some barns, old gas stations, and mountains.