Friday, May 19, 2006

You've been a slob since the day I married you...

My wife was upset with me last night and complained, "You've been a slob since the day I married you!" At least I'm a slob that does the dishes, washes the laundry, mows the lawn, washes the outsides of the vehicles, and vacuums at times. :)


Blogger Native Minnow said...

"Actually, I was a slob before the day you married me, you just didn't notice it before." he said.

And if not, he should have ;-)

5/19/2006 4:08 PM  
Blogger PsychDoctor said...

Actually the whole thing resulted from our landlord wanting the house kept clean because he is showing it to people to try and sell it in June...Melissa was upset, and maybe the landlord too, that he has been unable to show it because it is always cluttered and usually messy (even though the kids do their chores like 2-3 times a night). My room and closet are notoriously messy, because I haven't been good at putting my clean clothes away or cleaning up Miranda and Abby's toys, books, etc. that get strewn about my room. I am a slob, but I also do a lot of cleaning too...

5/19/2006 5:39 PM  
Blogger deputymomof6 said...

You are doing a great job, and you ARE messy. True, we aren't living together at the moment, but every time I come into town I spend the entire week cleaning. And, when each child had their own bedroom and plenty of space, it was still always messy. I just cannot keep up after 8 people, I used to be able to do it when there were only 5 of us. The problem isn't just you, it's the old children that are old enough to clean up after themselves, and think that just doing their chore will fix it when it won't if you don't clean up after yourselves!! Add a baby into the mix and, presto, messy house. However, look at your car. You are the only one that uses it, and the only person that can because it is so cluttered that nobody can get in it. Sorry, I love you to pieces, but you have always been a clutterbug that just piles things everywhere, all over the house....books, stamps, cartoons, etc. are always piled in front of your closet doors, shelves, etc. :) You are doing a great job, but I will guarantee that when no kids are around the next 2 months, you are still messy. I love you, anyway!!!

5/24/2006 4:46 AM  
Blogger deputymomof6 said...

AND, thanks for making me look like a bossy old hag!!

5/24/2006 4:47 AM  
Blogger PsychDoctor said...

Look at your last entry and tell me who is making you look like a bossy old hag. :)

5/24/2006 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

6/09/2006 1:24 PM  

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