Sunday, March 06, 2011

William Bowman & Dorothy Dury 4G Grandparents

William Bowman and Dorothy Dury

Joseph's mother, Mary Bowman was the oldest child born to William Bowman and his wife, Dorothy Dury Bowman, who lived in Janow, Durham County, England at the time.
Janow at that time was a large parish, extending to include Wallsend (which might explain how Edward and Mary met). The district abounds in coal, and there was an extensive colliery in operation, 195 feet deep and hiring 250 workers. It was described, as being a very neat village about a mile in length, chiefly inhabited by people from the colliery and the paper mill there. There was an ancient church there. Joseph Bowman Patterson's maternal grandfather was William Bowman, bora 30 August 1784 at Harwood Shield, Hexhamshire, Northumberland, England which was inland along the Tyne River, to Thomas and Mary Whaley Bowman. His grandmother was Dorothy Dury, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bell Dury, 11 May 1793. Evidently William met Dorothy as he worked along the Tyne eastward from Hexham, perhaps as he worked in the colliery in Jarrow. They were manied on 16 July 1792.

They had six children.
1. Mary Bowman was the only daughter bora to William and Dorothy and was bom at Janow, across the Tyne from Newcastle. She was bom 14 November 1816. After the family moved to Newcastle, she manied Edwa rd Patterson 24 Apr 1837. They had nine children. The family joined the church and emigrated to America. She died at Bloomington, Bear Lake, 10 Sep 1908.

2. Their second child, a son, Thomas, was bora at Lamesly and christened at Streetgate, Durham County. Thomas manied Ellen Hill of Hathory Bum, Harwood Shield in Hexhamshire. He died 8 Jun 1908.

3. William, their second son, also was bom at Lamesley on 20 Apr 1822 and was christened on 19 May 1822 at Streetgate. He died in December 1908. Notice that all three of these members ofthe family died in 1908. William manied Dorothy Fife on 3rd May 1851. This is probably the William Bowman family that J.B. talks about in his journal. (See picture in the story of this family.) J.B. wrote quite frequently ofhis visits to the home of this good family ofhis uncle.

3. Joseph Bowman was the third son whose birth occurred 16 Feb 1825. at Whickham. He died 5 Februaiy 1843 at the age of 18 (perhaps this makes it easier to understand why Maiy named three babies this name, in honor of her young brother).

4. John Bowman was born after the family moved to Newcastle, which was across the Tyne. He was born the 27 Februaiy 1828 at Byker Hill, near Newcastle. John was the first member of the Bowman family to be converted by the missionaries. He and his young nephew, Edward McGregor Patterson, emigrated to America and settled in Idaho and in Utah. He manied Elizabeth Carr- He .died in Murray and was buried in Ogden.

5. The Bowman's sixth child was Robert, who was bom 27 August 1830 in Byker Hill, and was christened at St. Andrews in Newcastle. He manied (1) Ida Potts tihe 1st of April 1861 at All Saints Church. After he emigrated to the U.S. he settled in Logan, Cache, Utah. He later married (2) Hulda Andrews Johnson 18 May 1866. He passed away 8 December 1916 in Salt Lake and was buried in Salt Lake City Cemetery.


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