Edward Patterson & Mary Bowman 3G Grandparents

2. | Mary BOWMAN (William BOWMAN5, Thomas BOWMAN4, Thomas BOWMAN3, Joseph BOWMAN2, William BOWMAN1) was born 14 NOV 1816 in JARROW Tyne and Wear England, and died 30 OCT 1908. She married Edward PATTERSON. He was born 1814 in NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Tyne and Wear England. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Mary BOWMAN and Edward PATTERSON are:
E dwa rd Pa t t e r son and Ma ry Bowman
Joseph Bowman Patterson was born 5 March 1853 at Wallsend, Northumberland, England. When he returned on a mission later, he was returned to the place ofhis birth and described it as being one of the row houses at Wallsend across from the Board School. Joseph's father was E dwa rd Pa t t e r son, who was born at Bake old
Engine, near Newcastle. Edward's parents were William Patterson and Jane McGregor, daughter of Edward McGregor of North Shields or Tynemouth, which is nearby. His mother was Ma ry Bowman of Janow, Durham County, who was bom 14 November 1818, across the Tyne River. Her parents were William Bowman and Dorothy Dury. As mentioned previously, Edward and Mary Patterson were manied at All Saint Church in Newcastle upon the Tyne on 24 April 1837, and although they lived at various collieries in the area, their children were all christened in the All Saints Church.

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Edwa rd and Ma r y 's children were:
1. William, who was born 1 Jun 1838, Haddrick's Mill, Fawdon, Northumberland, Eng. William was baptized in England and emigrated with his father's family to America when he was 27. He married Margaret Young on 29 Apr 1865 in Bloomington, Idaho. She was 26 when they embarked at Liverpool on the ship Bellewood for their trip to America. After arriving in Bloomington and getting settled, he and his brothers went across to the other side of Bear Lake to work in the coal mines. William died 16 Jul 1870 in a mining accident in Alton, Wyoming, and was buried at Bloomington, Bear Lake, Idaho.
2. Robert was born 9 Nov 1839 at Haddrick's Mill also. He was also a collier, but evidently emigrated later and joined the family in Bloomington. He died 27 Sep 1885. He was sealed to Leah Maria Smith.
3. Edward McGregor was born 18 Sep 1839 at Heaton. He was the first of the family to join the church and emigrate to the U.S. He came with his Uncle John Bowman then was called to settle and lived most of his life in Bloomington, Bear Lake, Idaho. Edward M. married sisters, Mary and Sarah Thompson in Salt Lake City and raised a large family. After Mary died, Sarah raised the combined family. They had four sons and ten daughters. Edward M. died 25 Nov 1909 in Bloomington. Edward was a highly respected citizen of Bloomington, who became a veiy good carpenter. He not only built some lovely homes, but he worked on the Paris tabernacle, and made nearly all the coffins for the funerals in the area. He was very active in the church, serving as a bishop many years. Their beautiful old house still stands and is just lovely and well preserved by his descendants.
4. Their fourth child was Jane Dorothy; Jane after her grandmother, Jane McGregor Patterson, Dorothy after her other grandmother, Dorothy Dury Bowman. Jane
was bora at Heaton Pit on the 2nd Aug 1844. She manied Joseph Soulsby, 14 Apr 1862 at Newcastle upon the Tyne. They emigrated to America on the same ship as her parents, then crossed the plains, and eventually settled at Rock Springs, Wyoming, where her husband became superintendent of the mine and where he served as Bishop for many years. She served as Relief Society president during those years. She died at Rock Spring 27 Jan 1914. They left a very large family. J.B. was in touch with his family all ofhis life.
5. Edward and Mary then had some difficulties. Their fifth child, a boy, whom they named Joseph Bowman Patterson was bom 5 Jan 1847 at High Heaton and died on 17 Jul 1849. So, as was the custom in England in those days they named the next son, also a boy, the same name as the deceased child.
6. The next Joseph Bowman was bom 5 Feb 1850 and died the same day at High Heaton.
7. They then moved to Wallsend, where they had another son, bom 5 Mar 1853. They named him Joseph Bowman Patterson, also. This is our Joseph Bowman Patterson. He was baptized in 1863 and came to America when he was eleven years old, where they worked in the mines in Pennsylvania, trying to earn money to cross the plain. He manied Ma rga r et Emily Richey at St. Johns, Arizona 1 Jan 1881. He died 23 Aprl933 at St. Johns, Arizona. His story is contained in this book.
8. Mary, their second daughter was named after her mother. She was bom 21 Oct 1855 at Brigsf s Main, Little Benton. Northumberland, England. She also emigrated as a child with her family. She later manied Henry Dustin and had a little daughter. Whether she died in childbirth we are not sure, but she is buried in St. Johns, Arizona. Mary's parents took the baby to raise, but this little girl died young and is buried in Bloomington near her grandparents.
9. The ninth child and sixth son of Edward and Mary was John Thomas, called John T. He was bom 9 Jul 1869 at Seaton Burn, Weetslade, Northumberland County, England. He was very close to his brother Joseph Bowman and they went everywhere together. He married (1st) Elenor Jane Richey (his first sweetheart and a sister to Margaret Emily) on 1 Feb 1882 in St. Johns, Arizona. After her death he manied (2nd) Elizabeth J. Rencher, then after her death, (3rd (Lillian Boyd, a nurse who cared for him until his death 23 May 1942 in St. Johns. (John T and Elenor are the grandparents of Marguerite Jones Heap and Phyllis Jones Curtis.)
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