Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thomas Farley and Lady Jane Molyneux (great great great great great great great great great Grandpa)

Thomas Farley was born in 1600 in Worcestershire, England. He died in 1670 in Archers Hope, Virginia. He married Lady Jane Molyneux in 1622 in England.

Notes for Thomas Farley, Esquire:
My earliest ancestor to arrive in America, the colonies, is Thomas Farley. He left England along with his wife, Jane Molyneux, daughter of the Earl of Sefton, and arrived in Jamestown in 1623 on the ship Ann. Their first child, a daughter, whom they named Ann, was born soon after their arrival or aboard ship. Source: Ship Passenger Lists, the South, (1538-1825) by Carl Boyer 3rd, 1979 ed., p52 and 70.
They are listed in the "Muster of the Inhabitants of the Neck-of-the-Land Near James Citty Taken Febr the 4th 1624" (1625) published in Meyer and Dorman's Adventurers of Purse and Person. Their daughter, Ann, is listed as a child, so she was probably born after their arrival.
Thomas is listed in the "Bicentennial Register of Members" in Cynthia Miller Leonard's The General Assembly of Virginia, July 30, 1619 to January 11, 1978. He served as a Burgess, representing the Plantations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred, in the 1628 General Assembly of the House of Burgesses. He served again during the session of 1630, representing Harrop and the Plantations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred. He also served on the Grand Assembly of 1632 as a representative for Archer's Hope. The Farleys were very wealthy landowners who owned many slaves.
Thomas was not without his faults, he and several other residents of Archer's Hope were in trouble with the law and the church for being drunk and disorderly late at night. Archer's Hope was a raucous community during the 1620s. Source: James City County Keystone of the Commonwealth by Martha W. McCartney.
John Farley and Francis Farley, Jr. enlisted on September 23, 1780 and served under Captain James Robertson during the Revolutionary War. Source: Soldiers of Fincastle County, Virginia, 1974 edition, by Mary B. Kegley. Captain Robertson's Company involved in a skirmish at Jamestown under Captain John Given, this was immediately after Tarleton's raid to Charlottesville trying to capture the legislature. Source: Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, Part II, page 122.
According to a letter, dated September 16, 1774 at Rich Creek, Captain Robertson wrote to Col. William Preston in Fincastle County regarding John Farley (Farlen). He tells Col. Preston that John will be applying for certificates for pay for the time when he was a scout. Capt. Robertson tells Col. Preston that he had already told John that his money would be stopped to pay a fine if he refuses to go with the Company. Source: Dunmore's War by Thwaites and Kellogg, dated 1905, p201.
From a letter written by Michael Woods to Col. William Preston, dated May 29, 1774. He writes that there are a few men who live in a string on the other side of the river that will be forever unconvenient to any other place to muster at, for they would not have above seven or eight miles to a muster here; and if they must go elsewhere they most of them must go 15 or 20 miles to muster and the names of these is:
Charles Cavanough, Philimon Cavanough, James Odear, William Cavanaugh Sr., Samuel Pack, George Pack, Charles Hays, Thomas Farlor (Farley), Francis Farlor (Farley), John Farlor (Farley) and Mitchle Clay
and some others that I do not know their names. Also I must acquaint you that most of these men is bad off for arms and ammunition and I believe cannot get them. Source: Dunmore's War by Thwaites and Kellogg, p397.

Lady Jane Molyneux [Parents] was born about 1605 in Worcestershire, England. She married Thomas Farley in 1622 in England.

They had the following children:

FiAnn Farley was born in 1624.
MiiArcher Farley was born in 1627.
FiiiBarbara Farley was born in 1628.
MivGeorge Farley was born in 1631.
MvPhillip Farley was born in 1633.
MviThomas Farley was born in 1636.
FviiVirginia Farley was born in 1637.
MviiiFabyan Farley was born in 1640.
FixBonnie Bell Farley was born in 1642.
MxJames Farley was born in 1643.
FxiElizabeth Farley was born in 1645.
MxiiRichard Farley was born in 1647.
MxiiiJohn Farley was born in 1648. He died after Apr 1733.

How I am related to him

Thomas Farley and Lady Jane Molyneux
John B. Farley and Mary Willet
Thomas Womack and Mary Farley
Charles Cawthon and Elizabeth Womack
Thomas Hackley Warren and Hanna Cothen (spelled differently for some reason)
William Allred and Sarah Ann "Sally" Warren
John Jones Allred and Mary Young Bridgeman
Joseph Parley Allred and Rozina Brown
Joseph Parley Allred and Zerelda Hoopes
Gma and Gpa
Mom and Dad

Source =


Blogger Inklings said...

Your earliest ancestor on your dad's side, you mean. Your direct ancestor on my side was Gov. William Bradford who came on the MayFlower.

10/25/2010 7:39 AM  
Blogger PsychDoctor said...

This was taken from someone else's blog...
This particular person is on your side...

10/25/2010 9:38 PM  
Anonymous Martin Blakley said...

Well that makes you related to my wife as she is also a direct descendant from Thomas Farley and Lady Jane.

8/24/2011 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should start with Hi Cuz!!!

My lineage follows the paternal Farley side. I would love to get some more details about all of this. My email is Additional question...are you LDS?? You do live in Utah after all.
sincerely, scott farley

2/14/2012 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas Farley was born in 1591 in Worcester (All saints records)
He married a Jane (last name unknown)
The only children that can be proven was 1 "Ann a child". She arrived
with Thomas Farley and Jane (his wife) in Jamestown 1623.
2 George born in 1629 (He stated his age in a deposition)
Thomas Farley was in business with his brother Humphrey Farley,(born 1692) Grocer and Ship owner
of London.

11/02/2013 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this information.Thomas and Jane are my husband's 10x grandparents. I do believe the research that I have done confirms that. Beyond them, I found the Molyneaux family history which take them back to a man named William de Molins from Normandy, France that fought against England with William the Conqueror in 1066. He was rewarded with three manors, the major one being Sefton, thus the name.

1/10/2016 3:56 AM  

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