Saturday, April 05, 2008

Soda no more....

I decided a few days ago to give up soda...I think it is partly responsible for my weight gain. Even though I was drinking diet soda, I would often purchase snacks at the same time. Also, the secretary at work said she saw on the news that diet sodas increase cravings for carbohydrates. Also, they contain aspertame which has been associated with Alzheimer's Disease. I was also spending over $100 per month on soda, and probably at least that much on snacks. I thought I would be less able to focus and concentrate at work after giving up caffeine, but I have noticed my mind is clearer and I have been able to concentrate better and get more done...I haven't had soda for a week...hopefully I will continue to abstain. I have lost some water weight since giving up soda and hope to see continued results...

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Blogger Delirious said...

I heard that if you give up soda, you can lose 8 pounds in one year jsut from giving up the soda. I have been watching a television show called, "I can make you thin" on TLC. It might sound corny, but he has given us some good advice, and for the first time in my married life, I think my husband has latched on to some tips that will actually help him lose weight.

4/06/2008 8:23 AM  
Blogger Inklings said...

About two years ago every time I drank a diet coke I had the impression I was pouring dangerous chemicals into my body, so I switched to drinking ice water.

4/06/2008 9:04 AM  
Blogger RebeckerOnline said...

Hey, I'm not a soda addict at all, but I just gave up cookies for one month and am feeling better and losing weight faster. So, good luck to you! Now, if I could just get off the peanut M&Ms.

4/13/2008 6:13 PM  

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