Friday, March 07, 2008

The Creativity of a 3-year-old Girl

So, I guess I wouldn't recommend either my 15-year-old son, or 16-year-old daughter to babysit a 3-year-old girl...This is what happens when you have to work late and expect them to monitor the younger kids...(I know the puppy pad is gross...but just look at the fingernail polish...that is the point of the post). :)

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Blogger ~Kris said...

I could have totally topped that last week. My daughter painted her ENTIRE feet, the ENTIRE marble night stand. It took me two bottles of finger nail polish remover, and then I had to use a razor blade to scrape it off. This all happened in less than 10 minutes, too.
Then...a few days later she goes and gets my very potent bathroom cleaner and dumps that all over a mattress and the same night stand, causing some kind of chemical reaction. I don't even know how she got the cleaner, I thought it was put away, it must have just gotten put away under a sink instead of above the washer. So now I have to take it somewhere and see if they can sand my very expensive night stand off. Then, a few days later, she takes a lip gloss and paints a mattress with that, I haven't even tried to get that off yet...don't know what to use.
And then last night I gave her a cereal bowl with cheetos in it, put her in my bedroom and turned a game on. It got quiet, so I asked Kaden to go check on her, and she had an entire box of tampons spread all over the floor, mixed in with cheetos...and then she had taken her bottle and dumped all of her milk out, too.
Very busy little kids, aren't they?
Not to mention that she grabbed a box of cocoa krispies, calling them raisins, and I was chasing after her while she dumped them all over my house running into the bedroom, trying to spill them all out before I could catch her. Then she looks at you with those cute little eyes, "Hi!" Or, "Oh No! What happened?" "I made a big mess!"

So, to make a long story short, I shouldn't watch your three year old, either.. :)

3/10/2008 10:23 AM  
Blogger ~Kris said...

I forgot to post about the little gold footprints...
She also got into some Victoria Secret Heavenly powder I have and threw that all over my room. There was tiny little gold dust EVERYWHERE, and it took me HOURS to mop it up. I'd mop, let it dry and see gold. I told my sisters at sister lunch that I had gold dust everywhere, and Shannon piped up saying, "Oh, you're just so rich that the dust in your house has GOLD in it?" :)

3/10/2008 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay...I guess I can understand that maybe the kids aren't to blame...but, they don't check on the kids very often. At least when I am home and it gets quiet, I am yelling and asking what the little girls are doing. :) Dr.Psycho

3/10/2008 12:47 PM  
Blogger deputymomof6 said...

Goo gone will take the lipstick off.

3/13/2008 12:05 PM  

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