Saturday, November 25, 2006

Opportunity Cost...

My daughter had a "crabby" day. Today when we got home from shopping, she was so whiny! Someone would just look at her and set her off into tears. She was crying most of the night. She only gets that way when she is tired, so just before sending her to bed, I had a little talk with her. I asked her what it means when she is crying all the time, and she recognized that this means she is tired. I asked her when she is tired, why doesn't she just go to bed, or take a nap, so she can wake up happy. She responded, "I might sleep a long time and not get up." She basically was saying that she might miss out on something because she would sleep too long. I used to be the king of opportunity cost. In elementary school, my friends would invite me to their house. When I would ask my mom if I could go, I always wanted to find out what I might miss if I did go. I would ask if she was going to make cookies, or buy candy bars for the family, or take them to icecream, or play a fun game, etc. If a friend invited me to a sleepover, I wouldn't want to commit until I knew that another friend wasn't going to invite me. In college, I would never commit to date a girl on the weekend, in case a better opportunity came up. The funny thing is, always counting the opportunity cost made me lose out on a lot of opportunities. I think I do better with this now, but still realize I do it to some extent. I think over-analyzing the opportunity cost of a situation can be paralyzing to some degree....
I asked my daughter if she had fun this afternoon/evening. She had to admit that she really didn't. She was so worried that she might miss out on something, that she was miserable for half of the day. Anyone else play the opportunity cost game?


Blogger Native Minnow said...

That's usually why I miss out on making out with girls and stuff.

"Hold on a sec, I don't really want to kiss you right now because someone prettier might come along."

For some reason, women don't like that.

(yes this is made up)

11/27/2006 9:23 PM  

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