Monday, February 27, 2006

"Dad, can I go see the white hair?"

Today I am home with two sick kids. I am also a little under the weather with a sore throat. Abby was playing on so I locked all the doors and told her I would be in my room with Miranda trying to get her to sleep (she was extremely fussy and it was only 9:30 AM). At about 10:30, Abby came running in and woke me up. She said breathlessly, "Dad, someone is knocking at the door." I told her to ignore them and they would go away. She came running back in about 30 seconds later and said, "Dad, now he's in the back yard and he has white hair." I got up quickly to investigate. It was our landlord coming by to check on the sprinkler system. I came back in and told Abby who it was. A few minutes later she asked, "Dad, can I go outside and see the 'white-hair'?" I have heard the term "blue-hair" before used in derogatory ways, but had never heard this one.

When I was about 5 or 6 I saw a little old lady driving a car. I got excited and told my mom, "There's Phoebe (or something) from church." My mom replied, "That's not Phoebe, it is someone else," to which I responded, "All of those old white-haired people look the same to me." I guess my daughter is her father's daughter.


Blogger Native Minnow said...

someday kids will be calling you 'white hair' - just a thought

2/27/2006 5:58 PM  
Blogger deputymomof6 said...

i am getting 'white hair,' how depressing!!

3/08/2006 1:04 AM  

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