Friday, January 27, 2006

"It's not a date Dad..."

Photo For You -- Ebay Store

My daughter turns 16 in 10 days. She asked if she could go to the movies with some friends tonight. I asked her who was going. She listed her new "crush," and about 4 other kids who would be going. Because money is tight, I also asked her how she would pay. She said, "M***** said he would pay for me and it would be like an early birthday gift." I said, "It really sounds like a date." "It's not a date Dad!" she replied. Hmmmm....

Anyways, I relented and let her go...She is the most responsible child we have and quite mature for her, what's 10 days? :) I still think it is funny how people can take something so obvious and try to present it as something else. My 13-year-old son was drawing pictures in my 5-year-old daughter's journal...the pictures were a picture of a person with horns, a plus sign, a drawing of a pile of dog poo, and equals sign, and the name of my daughter (I don't want to write personal names on the internet). When he got in trouble for making her cry and picking on her, he tried to pull the old, "I didn't do it. She was writing bad things about me and I scribbled them out. When I told her that I was going to tell on her, she drew these bad picture of herself so she wouldn't get in trouble." Yeah right!!! If I learned anything from child development classes with Dr. Cundick (actual name), it was that kindergartners were not capable of this level of abstract thought. I could also tell that the drawing was much more advanced than something my daughter could actually draw. When confronted on these points, he continued to unabashedly lie and deny he had done anything wrong. He sat in a corner for approximately 40 minutes still denying any wrongdoing. It wasn't until later in the day, when he lost some privilege because of his lying, that he finally cried and said that it really was him (not to mention that his 14-year-old sister saw him do it). I guess that is a little off the subject, as my oldest wasn't actually lying about the "date," but had convinced herself that such activities do not constitute a date. Well, gotta get home so she can go on her date. Bye!


Blogger Native Minnow said...

Ten days before she turns 16? Are you crazy? Don't you know that means she's going to get pregnant before she turns 18?

Oh wait, I DID wait until I was 16 and that still happened.

1/27/2006 6:51 PM  
Blogger PsychDoctor said...

You got pregnant before you turned 18???? Did you get stretch marks?
Actually, I got home and found out that K wanted A to go to because a boy named Kevin had asked her to go...No way in Hell is A going with a boy at 14.
Anyways, the "undate" got cancelled because the guy's mom wouldn't let him go.

1/27/2006 7:45 PM  

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