Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jumping Spiders

Abby came in very scared because she had seen a big spider in our room (guest room in WV). She insisted I go kill it. I walked in there and it looked like a wolf spider on the floor. As I approached to kill it by stomping on it, it jumped like a foot and a half! It then began banging into things and it freaked me out. I had never heard a spider hit things that hard and I had never seen a spider jump that far. I was afraid it would jump up my leg. I finally got a cue stick and flushed it from behind the door. Then I stomped on it. Turns out it wasn't a spider, but a strange light brown cricket. :)

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Blogger ~Kris said...

Don't come to my house, then. I really do have gross spiders, they aren't as bad as they used to be because I spray now, but they are pretty damn scary. They can swim. I threw one in the toilet and it swam to the side and started to crawl out. They are either wolf, garden or hobo spiders, they all look the same to me.

8/01/2008 8:58 AM  
Blogger PsychDoctor said...

Probably Hobos...

8/02/2008 1:14 PM  

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