Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Torture? Or Immaturity and Unprofessionalism?

I read this part of an AP article today about the 20th hijacker housed at Gitmo.

"Mohammed al-Qahtani, detainee No. 063, was forced to wear a bra. He had a thong placed on his head. He was massaged by a female interrogator who straddled him like a lap dancer. He was told that his mother and sisters were whores. He was told that other detainees knew he was gay. He was forced to dance with a male interrogator. He was strip-searched in front of women. He was led on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks. He was doused with water. He was prevented from praying. He was forced to watch as an interrogator squatted over his Koran.
That much is known. These details were among the findings of the U.S. Army’s investigation of al-Qahtani's aggressive interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

The allegations are that this is torture...

Granted it is unprofessional! Granted it is immature! Granted it likely doesn't work that well at obtaining information! But torture? I don't disagree that such tactics probably shouldn't be used to obtain information, but let's call it what it is...It sounds more like a day in the halls of any high school in the USA (except the lap dance and strip search)...than torture...In other words, professional bullying!


Blogger Delirious said...

I agree, let's think back to Vietnam when men had bamboo shoved under their fingernails. Torture is much different than humilation.

11/07/2006 1:19 PM  
Blogger deputymomof6 said...

Yeah, that doesn't sound like torture.....but it does sound very unprofessional and immature, and just stupid. I am embarassed for them.

11/08/2006 6:16 AM  

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