Sunday, April 28, 2013

William Neilson & Christena Vetch (6G Grandparents)  Where he lived (So, the wizard Merlin was reportedly converted to Christianity in this town),+Peebles,+Scotland&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=u459UbOXHsWGrgG0toHYBw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=611

They had one daughter named Christena Neilson.
Abt 1726
Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland

Abt 1722
Drumelzier, Peebles, Scotland

Robert Crawford III & Christina Watson (6G Grandparents)

Photos of MidLothian Scotland,+Midlothian,+Scotland&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=EY19UeKvD8ekqAHmmYGADQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=611,+Midlothian,+Scotland&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=EY19UeKvD8ekqAHmmYGADQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=611#tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Midlothian%2C+Scotland&oq=Midlothian%2C+Scotland&gs_l=img.3..0j0i5j0i24l4.4850.4850.2.5251.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.aWM&fp=147a89d6d570bb1&biw=1024&bih=611

Abt 1723
Glencorse, Mid Lothian, Scotland
Aft 1769


28 MAY 1721
Glencorse, Midlothian, Scotland
16 Dec 1804
Church, Glencorse, Midlothian Scotland

Moses McIndoe & Margaret Walker (6G Grandparents)

This line ends here...I cannot find information on their parents
36974 - Margaret WALKER, Moses MCINDOE, marr, 6 Jan 1738, Drymen, Stirling, 1041941 
Moses Born 1711 near Drymen Stirling Scotland
Margaret Born in 1715 Grenshaw, Greenshawhill, Northumberland, England
Died April 1753 in Derry, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Pictures from Northumberland, England,+England&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Uot9UfvaMIGArgGTjoGoCw&ved=0CEQQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=611

She died here:,_Dauphin_County,_Pennsylvania

Gavin Houston & Isabel Davidson (6G Grandparents)

 64. Gavin HOUSTON [scrapbook] was born 8 Apr 1706 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland and was christened 8 Apr 1706 in Kilbarchan Paris, Renfrewshire, Scotland. He married Isabel DAVISON in Abbey Parish, Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland. [Parents]

65. Isabel DAVISON was born 11 Sep 1707 in Abbey Parish, Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland.
 They lived near Paisley Scotland where the paisley design was invented
Gavin HOUSTON [Parents] 1 was born 1 on 8 Apr 1706 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 8 Apr 1706 in Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. Gavin married 1 Isabel DAVIDSON (DAVISON) on 30 Jun 1733 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Isabel DAVIDSON (DAVISON) [Parents] 1, 2 was born 2 on 11 Sep 1707 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. Isabel married 2 Gavin HOUSTON on 30 Jun 1733 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.
They had the following children.
M i John HOUSTON was born on 10 May 1734.
M ii

Gavin HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 8 Dec 1735 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 14 Dec 1735 in Renfrew Abbey, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.
F iii

Margaret HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 7 Feb 1738 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. She was christened 1 on 12 Feb 1738 in Renfrew Abbey, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.
F iv

Isobel HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 1 Nov 1740 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. She was christened 1 on 9 Nov 1740 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.[Notes]
M v

Mathew HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 18 Nov 1743 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 21 Apr 1743 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.
M vi

James HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 2 May 1745 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 5 May 1745 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.
M vii

William HOUSTON 1 was born 1 on 27 Mar 1749 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 5 Apr 1749 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

John Williams & Marcy Jane Lucas (5G Grandparents)

 2023. Marcy Jane Lucas288 was born on 25 December 1814 in Summit, Clinton, OH. She died on 20 March 1896 at the age of 81 in Escalante, Garfield, UT. She was buried on 22 March 1896 in Escalante, Garfield, UT.Marcy Jane Lucas and John Williams were married on 10 October 1830 in Sangamon Co., IL. John Williams288 was born in 1814 in Louisville, Blount, TN. He died in 1844 at the age of 30 in Sangamon Co., IL. He was buried in Lake Fork, Logan, IL.
 Some of the children of John and Marcy were:
Williams Betsy
possible ID - Elizabeth WILLIAMS born: 11 Mar 1841 Mt. Pulaski or Lake Fork, Logan, Illinois Daughter of Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and John WILLIAMS. John Williams died in Illinois before his wife Marcy Jane LUCAS joined the LDS church and married Henry BARNEY. Mary Ann WILLIAMS had be a child pioneer traveling with her mother Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and step father Henry BARNEY. Married Don Carlos SHURTZ 23 Aug 1857 Parawan, Iron, Utah died: 6 Jul 1907 Escalante, Garfield, Utah

Williams George
born: 29 Jul 1842 Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois. Son of Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and John WILLIAMS. John Williams died in Illinois before his wife Marcy Jane LUCAS joined the LDS church and married Henry BARNEY. Mary Ann WILLIAMS was a child pioneer traveling with her mother Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and step father Henry BARNEY. Married Orilla McFATE 18 Mar 1861Virgin City, Kane, UT. died: 1 Nov 1914 Kanarraville, Iron, Utah
Williams Mary Ann
became Mary Ann LEE see information I have added under Lee Mary A.

Lee Mary A.
Mary Ann WILLIAMS LEE was the wife of John Alma LEE son of John D. LEE and Agatha Ann WOOLSEY. Mary Ann had been sealed to John D. LEE first.

Born: 20 Sep 1844 Logan Co., Illinois
Married: Old Fort Harmony, Washington, Utah
Died: 8 Feb 1882 Panguitch, Garfield, Utah

Mary Ann WILLIAMS LEE she was the daughter of Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and John WILLIAMS. John Williams died in Illinois before his wife Marcy Jane LUCAS joined the LDS church and married Henry BARNEY. Mary Ann WILLIAMS had be a child pioneer traveling with her mother Marcy Jane LUCAS WILLIAMS BARNEY and step father Henry BARNEY.

[In his diary, "A Mormon Chronicle," John D. Lee said: "About 6 o'clock evening I married my son John Alma Lee and Mary Ann Wms. [Williams], formerly Mary Ann Lee. She was the 16th woman that was sealed to me in the new and everlasting covenant. She for some cause became dissatisfied. I told her that if [I] could not make her happy that she should have her liberty and if there was any other man that she could be more happy with, to say so and I would use my endeavors to have her sealed to that man. She replied that she could love me and respect me as a father but not as a husband, and that she wanted my oldest son for her companion and that she loved him more than any other man that she ever saw. Upon reflection I answered that her request should be granted. Under those considerations I married them at the time above specified, and I gave them a sumptious (sic) supper and social party in my family hall to which I invited all the inhabitants of Harmony, who all participated in the rich festival."

The exact date of Lee's sealing to Mary Ann Williams has not been found, but in his Confessions, he said that the event took place in 1856. The girl was then only fourteen years old. Lee might have followed the custom, common at the time, of taking the marriage vow with the understanding that he would wait for the young bride to mature before she became his wife in fact. According to family tradition, Lee released Mary Ann from the union because she refused to allow him to consummate the marriage.]

Seven Children of Mary Ann WILLIAMS and John Alma LEE
1. John Alma LEE, Jr., born 27Nov 1860 in Fort Harmony, UT, died Aug 1901.
2. Mary Ann LEE, born 27Mar 1861 in Fort Harmony, UT, died 1May 1938.
3. George Riley LEE, born 6Jul 1863 in Fort Harmony, UT, died 16Mar 1932.
4. Cyrus Willard LEE, born 4Mar 1864 in New Harmony, Washington, Utah.
5. Sarah Ellen LEE, born 1Apr 1866 in Kanarra, UT, died 1Jan 1950.
6. Marcy Jane LEE, born 11Sep 1871 in Kanarra, UT, died 15Apr 1952.
7. William Arthur "Dick" LEE, born 6Jan 1874 in Panguich, UT died 10Jun 1949.
Marcy Jane Lucas Williams Barney died in Escalante, Utah 20 November 1896 and is buried there. The inscription on her gravestone reads,

Dec 25, 1802 - Mar 20, 1886.
Gone but not forgotten."
[dates on gravestone are incorrect- Marcy was born 25 Dec 1814 died 20 Mar 1896]
Information on Marcy's second husband...the stepfather of my 4G grandparent. 

Dec. 25, 1802
Clinton County
Ohio, USA
Death: Mar. 20, 1886
Garfield County
Utah, USA

Born at Summit, Clinton, Ohio

Daughter of Thomas Lucas and Sarah Hoblit

Married John Williams, 10 Oct 1831, Sangamon, Illinois. He died Sep 1844, Lake Fork, Logan, Illinois.

Children - Amanda Williams, Sarah Angeline Williams, Polly Williams, Elizabeth Williams, William George Williams, Mary Ann Williams

Married Henry Barney, 1846, Summit, Clinton, Ohio

Children - Alma Barney, Melissa Barney, Jacob Henry Barney, Marcy Jane Barney

History - Marcy moved to central Illinois with her parents in 1829. There she married John Williams, February 10, 1831, and they had six children while living near Mt. Pulaski, Sangamon (now Logan) County, Illinois. LDS (Mormon) missionaries visited the area in the early 1840's. According to her grandchildren, Marcy wanted to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but her husband forbade it because of the persecution he had seen around the area. He died September 20, 1844 in or near Springfield, Illinois.

Marcy, with the family, then removed to Kanesville, on the Missouri River where the body of the Saints were gathered. A great deal of courage was manifested in this move as the father's will, which left considerable property to the family, did not permit the family to leave the county [Logan County, Illinois] until the youngest child was of age. This provision was made to keep the family from joining the Church. A strong watch was kept over the family day and night to see that they did not leave. However, one night at the hour of twelve, during a change of guards, the mother took the family and reached a river steamer at daybreak.

Bishop Bigler, later bishop of Nephi, was on board looking for a sister. Some power told him that Sister Williams, the mother, was a Saint, so during the night he came and awakened the family, telling them to get bag and baggage and get off the steamer at the first landing for he had a vision. Without asking any questions, they landed [got off the steamer]. Next morning they again boarded the first steamer going their way. They had not gone far when they beheld only the smokestack of the other steamer protruding from the water. A terrific explosion had destroyed the ship and all including the crew and passengers.

Marcy married Henry Barney in 1846. He was already a member of the Church, having joined in 1840. Marcy must have known Henry Barney at least as long as she had known John Williams, because the Barneys, Lucases, and Williamses were all neighbors in Sangamon/Logan Co., Illinois in the 1830's.

The family emigrated to Utah in 1849, coming with ox-teams. The journey was uneventful. They were in St. Louis at the time of the Cholera plague* during which deaths were as high as 365 in one day. They arrived in Provo in October of 1849. They stayed there [in Provo] two or three years and then moved on down to Southern Utah.***

Ambrose Shurtz, a grandson, wrote in Feb. 1961 about his grandmother Marcy Jane Lucas Williams Barney: "(I regret that as a boy] I failed to find out about why it was necessary for Grandma Williams [while in Illinois] to escape a guard that had been placed over her to see that she did not join the church and come to Utah. I could have known all about this, had I taken advantage of my association with Grandma and my own mother. A few more words about Grandma which I think is quite appropriate. She was quite tall, but of slender build, had very black hair, and was always very industrious. Her conversion to the Church was full and complete. Her testimony never faltered. She always bore a testimony that Joseph Smith was divinely called by the Lord to act in His hands as an instrument to re-establish the Church. Toward the end of her life she became totally blind. On March 20, 1896 she died and was buried in Escalante Cemetery."

***Note: Since they were in St. Louis in the summer of 1849, this indicates that the Williams family didn't travel to Kanesville until after this time. Probably they had been staying in the Nauvoo area, most likely on the western side of the Mississippi River near Montrose, Iowa, before 1849. Rather than crossing Iowa by wagon, an easier way to start the journey from Montrose to Utah was to take a steamer down the Mississippi River, stopping in St. Louis, then take another steamer up the Missouri River to Kanesville (or to the Winter Quarters area on the Nebraska side of the Missouri River). The ox-teams departed from Council Bluffs for Utah. The Mormon Pioneer Database shows that they actually crossed the plains in 1850, with the Warren Foote Company, arriving in September 1850.

Family links:
  Henry Barney (1816 - 1887)
  John Williams (1808 - 1844)*

  Sarah Angeline Williams Glenn (1836 - 1914)*
  Polly Williams Davis (1838 - 1914)*
  William George Williams (1842 - 1914)*
  Mary Ann Williams Lee (1844 - 1882)*
  Elizabeth Williams Shirts (1844 - 1907)*
  Jacob Henry Barney (1851 - 1851)*
  Melissa Barney (1852 - 1853)*
  Marcy Jane Barney Deuel (1854 - 1927)*

*Calculated relationship

Note: Family research indicate birth date as 25 Dec 1812 and death date as 20 Nov 1896. Sealed to Erastus Fairbanks Snow in 1890.
Escalante Cemetery
Garfield County
Utah, USA
Plot: 214
Birth: 1808, USA
Death: Sep. 20, 1844
Lake Fork
Logan County
Illinois, USA

John Williams wasn't his real birth name; as related by one of his granddaughters: "as a boy my grandfather showed up at a farmhouse one day asking for something to eat. The family at the house took him in, gave him work and a home, and eventually he became like one of the family and took their last name (Williams). He would never tell anyone his real name or where he came from." Therefore his lineage is untraceable, and any pedigrees showing him with parents named "Williams" are mistaken. Neither his biological parents nor his adoptive parents are known.

John was born in 1808 or earlier, because he took out a land grant near Mt. Pulaski, Sangamon (now Logan) Co, Illinois in Dec. 1829, and by law would have to be at least 21 on that date. He married Marcy Jane Lucas 10 Feb 1831 in Sangamon Co., Illinois, and they became the parents of 6 children: Amanda Williams Clark, Sarah Angeline Williams Glenn, Polly Williams Davies or Davis, Elizabeth Williams Shurtz or Shirts, William George Williams, and Mary Ann Williams Lee.

His wife Marcy's gravestone says she was born 25 Dec 1802 and died 20 Mar 1886, but these dates are each off by 10 years.....she was actually born 25 Dec 1812 and died 20 Mar 1896. Perhaps the engraver couldn't read the order. The gravestone was made many years after her death.

View Tree for Marcy Jane LucasMarcy Jane Lucas (b. 25 Dec 1814, d. 20 Mar 1896)

Marcy Jane Lucas (daughter of Thomas Lucas and Sarah Hoblit)429, 430, 431 was born 25 Dec 1814 in Summit, Clinton Co OH, and died 20 Mar 1896 in Escalante, Garfield Co UT. She married (1) John Williams on 1830 in ILL. She married (2) Henry Barney on Abt. 1847 in ILL.

More About Marcy Jane Lucas and John Williams:
Marriage: 1830, ILL.

More About Marcy Jane Lucas and Henry Barney:
Marriage: Abt. 1847, ILL.

Children of Marcy Jane Lucas and John Williams are:
  1. Amanda Williams, b. 24 Nov 1835, Lake Fork, Logan Co ILL, d. 06 Feb 1920, Garfield Co UT.
  2. Sarah Angeline Williams, b. 11 Nov 1836, Sangamon Co ILL, d. 11 Jul 1914, Wallsburg, Wasatch Co UT.
  3. Polly Williams, b. 28 May 1838, Sangamon Co ILL, d. 12 Aug 1914, Kanarraville, Iron Co UT.
  4. Elizabeth Williams, b. 11 Mar 1841, Lake Fork, Logan Co ILL, d. 06 Jul 1907, Escalante, Garfield Co UT.
  5. +William George Williams, b. 29 Jul 1842, Springfield, Sangamon Co ILL, d. 01 Nov 1914, Kanarraville, Iron Co UT.
  6. Mary Ann Williams, b. 10 Sep 1844, Sangamon Co ILL, d. 08 Feb 1882, Garfield Co UT.

Children of Marcy Jane Lucas and Henry Barney are:
  1. Alma Barney, b. 14 Jul 1848, Springfield, Sangamon Co ILL, d. 27 Dec 1931, Parowan, UT.
  2. Jacob Henry Barney, b. 12 Feb 1851, Provo, UT, d. 14 Oct 1851, Provo, UT.
  3. Marcy Jane Barney, b. 08 Feb 1854, Manti, UT, d. Mar 1926, UT.
  4. ----

Out of desperation, I am posting all the information I have on my "brick
wall" and hope someone recognizes him. By the way, my goal is to get past
John WILLIAMS and move on to his parents, who, at this time, are unknown to
me. I also have plenty of information about John's wife, Marcy Jane LUCAS, so
I'm not concentrating on her. Okay, here goes...

John WILLIAMS, born in 1814 (?) in Louisville, Blount County Tennessee, USA.
He married Marcy Jane LUCAS on February 10, 1831 (documented) in Sangamon
County, Illinois. John died in 1844 (?) in Lake Fork, Logan County, Illinois.
His widow subsequently married a man whose surname was BARNEY and moved to

John and Marcy Jane's children are as follows:

1.Amanda WILLIAMS, born November 24, 1833 in Logan County, Illinois. She
married a Riley George CLARK on November 20, 1850 (place unknown) and she died
February 6, 1920.

2.Sarah WILLIAMS, born November 11, 1836, in Mt. Pulaski, Logan County,
Illinois. She married a Robert Wilson GLENN on December 5, 1853 (place
unknown) and she died on February 11, 1914.

3.Polly WILLIAMS, born May 28, 1840, in Mt. Pulaski, Logan County, Illinois.
She married a James George DAVIS on October 21, 1856, in St. George,
Washington County, Utah and died on August 12, 1914. This is my husband's

4.Elizabeth WILLIAMS, born March 11, 1841, in Lake Fork, Logan County,
Illinois. She married a George Washington SHIRTS/SHURTS in 1852 or 1854
(place unknown) and died on July 6, 1907. Elizabeth also married Don Carlos
SHIRTS/SHURTS on 23 August 1859 in Parowan, Iron County, Utah.

5.William George WILLIAMS, born 29 July 1842 in Springfield, Sangamon County,
Illinois. He married an Orilla MOFATE on March 18, 1861 (place unknown) and
died on November 1, 1914.

6.Mary Ann WILLIAMS, born September 20, 1844, in Springfield, Sangamon
County, Illinois. She married John Alma LEE on January 18, 1859 (place
unknown) and died on February 8, 1882.

I am hoping that someone who is descended from one of Polly Williams' siblings
can help me get passed John Williams and find his parents.

Thanks in advance for ANY information you can give me!
Shauna Davis